Veteran cookbook authors Bruce Weinstein & Mark Scarbrough talk about the modern supermarket: not what’s there, nor how to select the best, but how did we get grocery stores that look as they do across North American and even Europe. They’ve also got a one-minute cooking tip on keeping your hands clean when eating greasy or coated chips. And they’ll tell you what’s making them happy in food this week.
Read moreWELCOME TO OUR KITCHEN: When to skimp or splurge at the supermarket
In this episode of the podcast COOKING WITH BRUCE & MARK, veteran cookbook authors Bruce Weinstein & Mark Scarbrough share their thoughts on when to skimp and when to save at the supermarket. They’ll also offer a one-minute cooking tip for more effectively grating cheese. And they’ll tell you what’s making them happy in food this week: Chinese ribs and red-oil dumplings.
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